
Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Game Preview - Scivelation

  A preview on a game not published yet.

Three unbiased opinions on my preview:

Tom Summers - Police Officer: After reading the preview, I must admit it is difficult to see anything I would consider disparaging.  If anything, maybe there is a little too much of an emphasis on the plot and not enough on how the game will actually play and look. Some of the descriptions are a bit wordy and may lose some readers. Other than that I thought it was well presented.

Debbie Hemmens - Police Dispatcher : Games are not exactly my forte, but I know what I like when I read something. I am particularly impressed with the layout, but being a bit of a bookworm I did find some of the language used a little too specialised for me and some paragraphs were difficult to digest. But if I was to give an honest opinion, I would say it seems to be well researched.

Corinna Harris - Company Director: Having read the review twice, I can honestly say I felt I knew what the game was about and felt almost an affinity with the designers. Well written.


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