Set in a futuristic cybernetic world, an unassuming apprentice finds herself under the influence of a wicked and insane sorcerer, who seemingly has created a 30 hour day and a 10 day week, by miraculously slowing the rotation of the planet.
Set to work from the very first day of their prearranged encounter, the duty-bound apprentice finds herself ceaselessly researching spells of old, as well as new, in an attempt to satisfy her new master’s appetite for the written word.
However, the apprentice, yet to acquire the sorcerer’s knowledge and power, is still working within the constraints of the planet’s age-old 24/7 time system, consequently working into the early hours of each new dawn, in an attempt to complete her monumental undertakings within her master’s given timeframe.
As the weeks turn to months, the apprentice begins to lose the will to live as she pores over thousands of transcripts, using synonyms and more conventional methods in an attempt to decipher the alien text.
Then, late one evening, when everyone is sleeping, and just as she feels she can go on no more, she sees a mysterious object traversing the planet’s star speckled sky. And at that moment it dawns on her….it’s Christmas!
The relief overwhelmed her as she crawled into bed and for the first time in yonks she slept soundly, with a smile on her face.
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